Choice in Education! Must be a GOOD THING!
But is it practical?
In theory a totally private school system is the ultimate guarantee of choice. The immediate barrier of course is the payment system. Anyone who cannot afford the fees does not have the choice.
If they can afford the fees, there are still other limitations:
- Physical distance - unless you accept a boarding school, the child has to be able to get there and back daily so is limited to those accessible.
- Even where several schools are accessible, the strengths and specialisms they offer may not be the ideal for any given child.
- A parent may want to make a clear choice but that can only be done when the school is prepared to accept the child concerned. Some schools may be oversubscribed; some may want to concentrate on a specialist area and make their own choice of entry.
The opposite philosophy insists on a standard education for all pupils so far as is possible. This seems the main driver behind the comprehensive system. Children should go to their local school and be subject to the statutory curriculum laid down by the government. The advantages should be that all have the same opportunity so the social divides are minimised.
I think we have to accept that the human condition is unsuited to standardisation. No system can be perfect. As usual in life we have to optimise our solutions within conficting criteria.